The wet weather may have given way to sunnier spells in Limerick, but it has left its mark on Martin Crowe’s farm in Carrigmore.

During the bad weather, cows were in at night, which has left Martin with no silage reserves, so he will be under pressure to make more silage last year.

Despite planning a third cut last summer, the drought in August meant Martin had to zero-graze this ground, which has left silage a bit tight this year.


Milk production has suffered as a result of the rain, with production back 2l/cow on last year’s levels. Being in at night, coupled with being fed older silage reserves, has exacerbated this, adds Martin.

Ground conditions were challenging fo the past few weeks, with cows housed by night.

Despite this, grass growth has started up again, with farm cover currently at 882kg DM/ha.

Milk supply was down 10% for the month of March and protein was down 0.15%.

The cows are only back at last year's levels for the last four to five days, according to Martin. Ground conditions are improving and Martin has managed to get wetter ground grazed off.

Despite the weather, Martin has been able to graze off some wetter ground that had strong covers. Here is the herd grazing below Carrigmore rock.

Calving finished on the farm on 12 April. Demand was weak for calves at the start of February, with Martin finding it difficult to sell Friesian bull calves.

This year, he plans to use sexed semen in a bid to avoid this next year.